Author: Darren Croft
Photographer: Simon Howard
Models: @bennoyofficial and @liftwith_teia
It’s Valentine’s Day, so what better way to celebrate it than with a couple’s workout designed to bring you even closer together?
Working out can be great fun alone, but working out with your partner will bring you closer together and get that body moving.
Muscle and Health present the perfect exercise for couples that will get you fit and have your heart racing.
The workout below is designed to be done simultaneously but should be adjusted according to how far you can push yourselves as individuals.
Kettlebell Swings In Time
Kettlebell swings are great for full-body workouts, which you can do side by side while encouraging each other to push it to the max. It’s a great cardio workout and calorie-burner and is also great for core strength.
After each set, there should be enough time to catch your breath before moving on to the next.
Complete ten kettlebell swings within 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat for five sets.
Goblet Squats In Time
A goblet squat is another great way to synchronize your workout together. Stand side by side, giving each other some room to maneuver. This exercise will target your glutes and quads while you maintain a comfortable position. Your torso should remain upright throughout the movement while keeping your core strong and your knees out.
You can perform a goblet squat with a dumbbell or kettlebell with a weight according to your ability and fitness level. Grip the dumbbell with both hands and hold it vertically.
Keep the dumbbell close to your chest throughout the entire movement.
Make sure your knees and toes are pointing in the same direction. Inhale as you squat, and keep your core tight and torso upright. Ensure your feet are flat on the ground.
Perform three sets of 15 reps each and rest for 60 seconds between sets.
Girl on Shoulder Squats
Okay, so for health and safety reasons, ensure you have a tall enough ceiling for this one. Sit your partner on your shoulders and stand up slowly. With each squat, Ensure your feet are firmly planted, your back is straight, and you are holding your partner firmly.
Perform three sets of 8 reps if you can. If you’re feeling really brave you can swap around for this one (just don’t hurt yourself).
Girl on Back Push-Up
With your partner lying on your back, raise and lower yourself, keeping your back as straight as possible for 20 reps x 3 sets.
Keep each movement as smooth as you can and go at your own pace, ensuring your partner is safe and doesn’t fall to the ground.
Plank on top of each other
For this one, your partner will need to be on your back, facing your feet and gripping your ankles, with her toes pointed and firmly on your back while you hold the plank for as long as you can. This can be done to failure, but if you are able to repeat for a few sets, so much the better.
Sled Push With Each Other
The sled push is a wonderful exercise to build more muscular legs, increase muscle mass, and add training volume for any goal. The ability to lay the legs without adding stress to the lower back or joints makes this a great movement to add to programs for any level or ability.
The usual way to perform a sled push is to load it up with a weight, but in this instance, the weight is your partner. If they are exceptionally lightweight, you can add additional weights if your fitness level allows. Place your hands halfway down the sled handles and assume a staggered stance. Make sure you lean forward, your spine is parallel to the ground, and your lower back is flat. Your elbows should be bent. Keep your arms locked and drive on, using your legs to their maximum ability.
Perform three sets if you can, with at least a minute’s rest in between.
Pull-Up Together
Possibly the most romantic of all couples exercises, we present the pull-up, which you should perform facing each other.
You should face each other on either side of the bar and grab it with an overhand grip. Let your bodies hang briefly, and then start pulling upwards to raise your chin over the bar. Slowly extend your arms to a hanging position and repeat for ten reps. Try to ensure that you engage your core and squeeze your glutes for maximum effect when performing this exercise.
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