By Danni Levy
Photography by Callum Tracey
Tom Kemp is fast becoming one of the most respected names in the biz. A third-generation farmer, he founded Farm Fitness, a gym unlike any other.
“Love what you do and make use of what you have,” says Tom, who converted his passion for fitness into a career. Every corner of his family’s farm has been transformed into a world-class training space, earning him global recognition.
Take fitness back to basics and enjoy this staple Farm Fitness pull-session for an explosive pump.
Banded dumbbell bent over rows
3 x 10-12 with 60 seconds rest between sets (drop set to failure on the last set)
Single arm kettlebell rows
3 x 8 reps per side with 90 seconds rest between sets
Think about dragging the kettlebell into the hip. Work through the full range of motion, hold the contraction for two seconds at the top of the movement and slowly lower back down. Pull each rep explosively, keeping a neutral back and tight core throughout.
Weighted wide grip pull-ups
Perform x 2 warm-up sets of bodyweight pull-ups x6 reps. Then 4 x 6 working sets of wide grip weighted pull ups 90-120 secs rest between sets
Focus on keeping your chest up, elbows back and control the eccentric phase, working through the full range of motion. Make sure you get your chin above the bar with each rep.
Barbell T-Bar rows
3 x 10-12 with 60-90 seconds rest between sets.
Arm blaster fat bar curls
3 x 8-10 with 60 seconds rest between sets
Dumbbell alternating curls + Legless rope climb
Perform 60 alternating dumbbell curls. Each time you hit failure, perform one legless rope climb. Once the 60 reps have been completed, the arms workout is finished. Keep rep quality high aiming for a 3-1-2 tempo. Aim for 10 reps per arm with each round
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes
• x6 Wall jump overs
• x9 Hanging knee raises
• 20M Arm over arm sled pull
• 20M Sled push
Follow Kemp’s journey and exciting plans ahead for Farm Fitness:
Want a workout to fill a tee in all the right places? Try THE MUST-HAVE WEEKLY UPPER BODY SPLIT